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Endrich, Sales Representative Taiwan of A123Systems in USA. (NASDAQ:AONE) We are one of the world’s leading suppliers of high-power lithium ion batteries. Main business are Nano LiFePO4 battery cell and its related applications. Please visit our website for more detail. Endrich: www.endrich.com.tw Also you can have more information about our Headquarter: A123Systems: www.a123systems.com Now a Canda brand, Delta-Q smart charger series are available. Universal input,High Frequency,High PFC,...complete and more informations please visit our website www.endrich.com.tw
Unex Technology Corporation was found in Dec. 1997 by leading experts in wi-fi industries to be the bridge in integration of leading edge wireless technologies and industrial/commercial innovations. Unex’s registered capital is NT$ 300 millions and currently provides integrated technology service of WiFi Module / Client, WiFi Access Point / Router, and Antenna to ASD (application specific device) manufacturers, telecom operators, and OEM/ODM customers with expertise second to none. For more details, please visit our web site at http://www.unex.com.tw/company/background
一、公司簡介 公司自民國79年成立,期初以研發為主,至85年起配合電力公司及電信局監控業務, 蓬勃發展至今擴充為人員100人以上之公司。 Controlnet was built up in May, 1990 and registered in Taiwan area with a registered capital at NT$80,000,000 in 2002. There are more than 90 employees in Taiwan and 100 in the mainland. Controlnet is one of the leader companies in China in the field of professional SCADA application. It is successful to accomplish monitoring and control management systems to save cost and ensure safety and administration for many industries and buildings. It did save the human, material power resources for power company and telecommunication companies. In those projects, they recovered their investment cost within two years. Those were: - Monitoring Control in thousand for Telecom Base of Power Equipments with hierarchical structure in wide area; - Power SCADA Systems for High Voltage/Super High Voltage Stations in Taiwan Power Company; - Automatic Monitoring Control System for Manufacture Processes; - Sewage plant disposal Process control Monitoring; - Elevator/Lift control system; - Remote Video Surveillance System for Safety in MPEG-4.
Skypower is an ideal partner for the development of the power battery pack for any portable device. With many years of custom database development experience, we bring a tested development methodology, domain experience, and strong battery pack design expertise. We are experts in the Lithium ion battery pack, having successfully deployed over thirty SQL implementations in the past year alone. * A tested system development methodology – Skypower’s engineering team has been developing custom battery pack for many years. We work to understand the business goals and success metrics for the project in addition to specific technical and functional requirements. By implementing a stringent requirements gathering phase, we ensure that battery design, creative development, implementation, testing, and deployment all prioritize the business goals of the project, ensuring success at every phase. * Experience developing document management systems – Skypower offers deep experience developing document extranets and user functionality similar to that required by customers. We will leverage our experience to customer’s project to provide a level of understanding and experience unmatched by other vendors. Generally, the lead-time and flow chart for design of a product to the finally assembly about non-serial/parallel battery packs are as described as follows. For special design and project, we are able to make proper proposal and arrangement accordingly.
電腦零組件、CPU散熱器、電腦連接線 Intorducing ForceTake ForceTake is a company specializing in research and development of thermal solutions and products for computer systems. ForceTake designs and manufactures heat-dissipating devices for CPU/VGA/RAMs with a system approach because handling of thermal problems becomes more and more important as processing speeds of computers get faster and faster. We believe the ultimate solution of thermal problems can most efficiently be solved by system consideration. Our solutions also take into consideration of power users and DIY experts. You can count on us as a reliable provider of all high performance heat-dissipating products for computer devices.
Keller Kalmach 成立於1878年,至今已有130年歷史,為一穩健經營之企業;德國總部位於慕尼黑,為德國主要五金、扣件、手工具批發通路商之一;近年來,公司集團成績顯著,總銷售額達1,9億歐元,庫存品項五萬件,集團全球員工數量515名;集團位於德國當地有十二個行銷據點,此外東西歐地區八個分公司,客戶數達兩萬。 Keller Kalmbach was founded in Munich in 1878 as a wholesaler of screws and black-smiths supplies. Today, KK is one of Germanys leading wholesale dealers in con-nector and fastener technology, custom parts, tools, power tools, and other assembly items, for trades and industry. In recent years, Keller Kalmbach has developed more and more into a logistical service provider for industry, and holds a leading position in this market. The total group achieves sales of over 190 million Euros with over 50,000 items in stock, and employs a staff of about 500. The almost twenty thousand customers are serviced from the head offices, or from one of the eleven sales agencies throughout the country.
From Logs to Lumber and more, Blue Steel manufacturing capabilities, combined with High Point Industrial International distribution network are second to none. Blue Steel has over 9 years of experience with the manufacturing of wood working machinery. Combined with CNC Laser Cutting / Robotic Welding / Powder Coating, numerous Patents, and dynamic balancing, all located in a brand new state of the art facility; it creates a combination thats hard to beat. Blue Steel strives to meet and exceed current standards, allowing their equipment to operate under the harshest of conditions. Worldwide sales of machinery produced by Blue Steel are proof of its dependability and industrial strength. Attention to detail along with the strictest of quality control standards produces dependable industrial strength machinery day after day. Team Blue Steel is working for you.
勁電科技有限公司 IO-Power Technology Co., Ltd. 由三個研發與兩個工程團隊合作組成. 團隊成員專精于室外無線系統工程架設與無線傳輸技術經驗,已累積超過10年. 網路設備與電子設備及電源管理系統等軟硬體研發設計實戰經驗,超過12年. 控制軟體設計實務經驗也有8年. 我們期許研發更貼近實際系統工程客戶使用設備需求,輔以特殊規格技術研發能力,為客戶提供高品質’高穩定性’高附加價值產品,説明客戶創造獨特市場競爭力與長期穩定獲利模式.
匯宇半導體為國內專業電源管理IC設計公司,目前在國內已擁有為數眾多的客戶群,公司的目標是成為國內類比IC設計界的領導廠商。 匯宇半導體的核心技術專注於電源管理領域,所設計的 IC 以 Total Solution 廣泛應用於PC(Mother Board)、LCD TV(Monitor)、Communication產品上,市場成長潛力無限。並與國內各大系統廠商合作開發產品,正朝向國際級公司目標發展努力前進,並有計畫提升研發創新能力,增加公司營運價值。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『品質第一、客戶至上』的經營理念,以穩健踏實的腳步追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,並已計畫朝上市、上櫃方向發展,期許公司與員工成長,並朝向國際一流的企業邁進。 本公司非常重視員工訓練發展,並提供多樣學習資源及獎勵方案鼓勵員工提升能力及績效,並提供一個良好的工作與學習成長的環境,歡迎優秀、有企圖心的精英夥伴加入我們的行列。 1.在電源管理上,供應客戶完整的解決方案,使客戶降低成本,提升競爭力。 2.在電源管理的領域裡,無論是技術、品質、成本、服務、及市場佔有率上,均具有領導地位。 公司網址:http://www.gs-power.com
ACE is the IC fabless design house to design power semiconductor products for power management application and Nonvolatile Memory. ACE technical corporation transfers the IC design which the Silicon Valley engineer in U.S.A. researches and develops to the general headquarters of Taiwan at the same time. ACE was established in 2001.
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